PD and COVID-19 Vaccine

I have to start with, "I'm not a doctor and any mention of medical or science is my opinion"

About 4 weeks ago I received the second COVID-19 vaccination. My memory of events may be a bit hazy, but it seems like the effectiveness of my Parkinson's medications changed shortly after the vaccine.  

This is my personal opinion and others will confirm I have been complaining about off times and dose failures for a long time. Can you tell I am emphasizing this is a personal opinion of a lay person, not the results of medical science.

Pfizer 💉💉

First shot -

2:00 PM - First dose of the vaccine had.a brief warm/burning sensation.

7:00 PM - The arm which got the vaccine was very week a few hours after the vaccination. 

Day 2 - 9:00 AM - The next day I could barely lift the arm.  This only lasted about a day and a half. 

Day 2 - 2:00 PM - 24 hours after injection, I felt slightly sick, like a mild flu.

Pfizer 💉💉

2nd shot - 

4:00 PM - 2 hours after fell asleep sitting upright for a few hours.

Day 2 - 7 PM - 27 hours after had a throbbing headache followed by aching legs and arms

Day 2 - 10 PM - 30 hours in, fluish. Funny he doesn’t look fluish. 

Day 2 - 11 PM - After a brief battle headache and flu stopped. 

Day 2 - 11 PM - Arm pain. This may just be my regular day to day pain. 

Day 3 - 1 PM - approaching the 48 hour mark and eyelids feel very heavy. 

Strength in arm is okay with 2nd.  No extreme weakness like first dose.

A day after the vaccine I was definitely falling asleep during the daytime more frequently.  The off times were more pronounced, 30 to 60 minutes after taking PD med, it hit me like a boomerang. The stiffness and freezing was extreme. I tried reducing the medication and it seems to have helped the extreme off times for a while.  

Since my experience, I have read stories of others with a similar response to the vaccine. Any PD experts tracking this data to see if there are side effects from COVID-19 vaccine that changes effectiveness of levadopa/carbadopa?  It would be a nice project for a medical professional to start.

Since March, when I got the vaccine, I've also been having extreme anxiety, mostly when I wake up but also associated with the mediation off times and my vision is blurred.


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