PD Quick Tip - Falling?

Am I a klutz or is it a PD fall? 

I've fallen down a few times while out walking, five times to be exact. Three of the 5 times happened when I tripped over sidewalk hazards in New York City. Fortunately only one of these falls resulted in broken eyeglasses, multiple cuts and scrapes. I did better on the other falls--just a few scrapes and my pride was bruised.

In two of the incidents the sidewalk hazards were similar. Light poles, either previously stood or were being installed. Regardless, there were bolts set in the concrete sidewalk and sticking up a few inches. If I were the type to run to a lawyer, I'm sure a judge would agree and find the city or property owner at fault.

My PD Quick Tip sounds obvious but there is a lot going on and this is worth repeating: Make sure you watch where you're walking, you might just avoid an unnecessary fall.


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