Showing posts with label mexico. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mexico. Show all posts

Living in Mexico with Parkinson's Disease? Living in MX with any Chronic Illness?

We're serious about moving to Mexico. I watch videos withpositive and negatives, read stories of others experiences but not much including moving with chronic illness.

Unfortunately, Parkinson's has gifted me with anxiety about anything new. So to help my spiraling "What If" anxiety, I'm looking for other's with PD who are living in Mexico that will share their experience. I need to get past the anxiety.
I found one blog post about a woman who moved to Mexico. She's living in the retirement community, Lake Chapala. Not exactly looking for Lake Chapala right now but I liked her story because there are many positives to focus on; from the exercise group to the neurologist in Guadalajara specializing in PD and other movement disorders. 
Being rational, all the movement disorder specialists I've encountered are making educated guesses about the medications.  None have a box of magic pills or secret spells that will fix the symptoms.  Maybe a specialist in another country will have better results than these highly touted New York City hospitals/universities. Something non-invasive but effective? Doesn't sound so far fetched for a plant that Mayans or Aztec used to detox kept the gunk in our heads from building up and causing many neurologic illnesses.

Initial logistics- We're thinking renting in a beach town for the winter, and if it's very hot, move up to a place in the mountains during the summer months.

I'd like to get a few names of recommended neurologists and the medication used better, worse, same as in the USA? It would be great if some ex-pats are reading this blog post and can share their support network. 

Share your experience of moving to Mexico with a chronic illness.