Showing posts with label caregiver. Show all posts
Showing posts with label caregiver. Show all posts

Five Tips to Support a Loved One with Parkinson's (Ask the MD Video)

A network of love and support can be an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to living well with Parkinson’s disease (PD), but it isn’t always easy for loved ones to find their place in that network. When does care become overbearing? How can you continue sharing interests as symptoms make certain activities more challenging? And how can you communicate about sensitive topics?

In this video, Rachel Dolhun, MD, DipABLM, principal medical advisor at The Michael J. Fox Foundation offers five tips to support a loved one with PD, whether you’re a partner, a parent, a child or a friend.

PD Quick Tip - Freezing

If you get "stuck" walking, brushing teeth, in the shower scrubbing shampoo, etc. Try looking at the task from another angle. 

Walking around in apartment. Sometimes I'm heading into a room and can't make the left turn to go in. Back up and try doing the task in reverse.  I turn right three times and I'm facing left.

When I'm having trouble with my arms and hands and it's difficult to move the toothbrush, it seems to be the toothpaste jamming me up. When I try it without toothpaste and rinse with mouthwash it works.  I don't know if a dentist would be on board with this method.

When I'm walking outside I focus on the sidewalk and try to follow the lines so I'm not swerving all over. 

Occasionally I'll think of something I do that seems counter intuitive or just strange but it works for me and my PD and maybe it can help another struggling person too.

PD Awareness Month - thank the caregivers

 PD is shitty, we all know this. What's worse is the treatment of ignored caregivers.  24/7/365 thankless job dealing with the PD psych issues, non-motor issues. The motor issues suck, but doctors have a specialty in neurology for the shaking, stiffness and freezing.  What about the nasty moods, paranoia, and other psych issues specific to what is inside our Parkinson's heads?  Anybody?

here is some stuff for caregivers, on