Sometimes it feels like a part of my brain is asleep. It isn't talking or listening to me. The meds didn't kick in properly or sometimes at all.
I want to move an arm or leg or my hand to get leverage to pull myself up. Nothing, not even in my finger.
I break a sweat wrestling with this invisible assailant called PD. Struggling in my mind to make movement. Then, after almost 2 hours, the meds kick in. I move my fingers, wrists. My neurons are medicated and with a sense of innocence, as if nothing is wrong, I stand up and cherish the 'on time'.
Off times are when my meds not working. On time refers to when my medications are on, or working.
After a good night of sleep I may wake up fully charged, little or no stiffness for an hour or two. Regardless, I take the meds as scheduled.
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