World Parkinson's Day and Parkinson's Awareness Month

April 11 is World Parkinson's Day and April is Parkinson's Awareness Month — a time to raise awareness and advance research toward better therapies and a cure for Parkinson's disease (PD). It's also a day to signal your commitment to a future without PD.

Rally your friends and family to make a donation to support PD groups, affordable treatments and finding a cure!

About Parkinson's Disease (PD)

The symptoms of Parkinson’s are mainly from the loss of dopamine-producing nerve cells which control movement. Low levels of dopamine affect how your body moves, making day-to-day activities such as eating, getting dressed or using everyday objects like a phone or computer difficult. The symptoms typically associated with Parkinson’s are tremor, muscle stiffness and slowness of movement, but nothing about PD is typical, everyone will have varied experiences.

Parkinson’s can cause a wide range of non-movement related symptoms including chronic pain, sleep disturbance, constipation, memory concerns, anxiety and depression; all of which can significantly impact quality of life.

Each individual diagnosis is different, a combination of symptoms and side-effects; this makes treating Parkinson’s so difficult.  We need a CURE!

How to help loved ones with chronic illnesses enjoy the holidays

How to help loved ones with chronic illnesses enjoy the holidays [The Washington Post]
For many people with chronic illnesses, the holidays can be a lonely and exhausting time. Health limitations may keep them from joining celebrations, and participating in the festivities can quickly tire them.

The Washington Post asked people with chronic conditions for advice for family members, friends and colleagues to help make the holidays an enjoyable experience for everyone.

Michael J. Fox Rediscovers His Optimism

This is a year or so old but still worth watching for Young Onset PD as well as fans of Michael J Fox.

I still want to do a round table special sitting with Alan Alda and a few otheres to talk about PD and how to adapt to suddenly having this creature with me everywhere I go, affect everything I do. Infesting my life and tearing apart friendships, relationships.

Fundraiser for Parkinson's Unity Walk (Facebook fundraising)

I am raising money for the Parkinson's Unity Walk via Facebook fundraising.  I've chosen this nonprofit because their mission spreads awareness of Parkinson's Disease and distributes to the research organizations listed below. I hope you'll consider contributing. Every little bit will help me reach my goal. I've included information about Parkinson's Unity Walk below.

The Parkinson’s Unity Walk is the largest single-day grassroots fundraiser for Parkinson’s disease research in the United States. Our mission has always been to raise money for Parkinson’s disease research. Thanks to our supporters and sponsors, more than $26.5 million in donations have been raised since the first Unity Walk in 1994 -- 100% of which has funded hundreds of research studies, taking us steps closer to finding a cure for Parkinson’s disease.

All donations are distributed to the following four organizations for the sole purpose of funding research grants: American Parkinson Disease Association, Parkinson’s Foundation, The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research, and The Parkinson Alliance.

Our Walk is held every April in New York City’s Central Park. In addition to the 1.4-mile wheelchair-accessible walk route, we are a comprehensive event for Parkinson’s disease information and resources.

Thriving With Parkinson's Disease Through Hope, Optimism, and Perseverance

When John Alexander was diagnosed with a degenerative disease, he decided to take control of his health and mindset by finding ways to motivate himself and others with Parkinson's. 

John became a distance cyclist and triathlete after discovering that staying active is one of the best ways to combat the effects of the disease. John maintains his upbeat attitude by seeking inspiration from the Parkinson's community.

He stays involved in helping transform other peoples' lives as a dedicated ambassador for numerous organizations and a sought-after inspirational speaker.

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World Parkinson's Day

Parkinson's is a defined as a movement disorder but the very long list of issues goes way beyond movement and shaking.

here are a few more that people added: Low voice or whisper, tiny handwriting, constipation.