I'm not very comfortable discussing Parkinson's with close friends and family. Many friends don't ask.They talk to each other, word gets out that I have "something wrong". Friends I do tell? They drift away and say to each other they think I had a stroke, or something.
Online is a little strange, many people don't want to deal with real life events or friends crisis--so I don't post on my own FB page about real struggles. Maybe I should but I don't.
As for gofund, etc. Once in a while I post a link to 'relaxsteve'. Imagine if everyone could afford to give $50 to every friend's gofundme. I only setup the gofundme page with the hopes a billionaire might drop me a hundred thousand or two. But I never campaigned for donors or asked friends/family for help day-to-day struggles. When I first made the gofundme page I wrote "$500,000 minimum" that will filter my close friends and family out and hopefully get $ from a wealthy kind soul. Not yet, but I have hope :)
to be continued, check back...