My gut has issues absorbing medications. Sometimes it doesn't seem to get absorbed, other times it can take hours then suddenly the medicine works.
My doctor has been telling me about a new deivery system for carbidopa/levadopa that works like diabetes meds, with a tiny prick into fatty tissue, not only bypassing the gut but instead of spikes of medication every time I take a pill, this should have a steady flow.
Two subcutaneous preparations, ND0612 and ABBV-951, have been shown to improve OFF time/motor activity or dyskinesis in advanced Parkinson's disease. One advantage of ABBV-951, over ND061, is that it can be used alone as l-dopa therapy, whereas ND061 must be used with oral l-dopa.
Awaiting FDA approval.
I'm not giving medical advice. Everyone's PD is different and responds differently to the medications. Work with your movement disorder specialist to figure out what's best for you.
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